The Laboratories for Advanced Manufacturing Construction Materials and High Temperature Corrosion

Pavilion C-5, premises 219 & 220


The team consists of:

  • Laboratory of advanced manufacturing construction materials
  • Application of ceramics in the energy sector (ZKMC)
  • Laboratory of the high temperature corrosion of ceramic materials


In the laboratory, research will focus especially on the design of refractory products with highchemical resistance, in addition to the effects of solid and liquid by heat treatment process, or only combustion of alternative fuels (including incineration and some solutions in the energy sector), the impact of volatile ingredients, such as alkalis, halides, oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen, and others. The problem of searching for new solutions of refractory materials for insulation (refractory linings) external enclosure of thermal equipment also includes: hot wires contaminated by oxy combustion, external heat exchangers, booster combustion chambers and burner controls, before, or after-burning chambers, gases, exhaust ducts, funnels and other parts of the burners, as well as slag furnace installation work with the essential heat device. The work carried out in the laboratory is focused to the design of new varieties of molded compact and insulating products, unformed materials (heat-resistant concretes and refractory, refractory mass) and fibrous products.Molded materials (compact and insulation) and their formed and non-formed products (compact and insulation) can be considered as an oxide material, oxide or non-oxide, and their composition can be based on refractory compounds, such as: Al2O3, SiO2, ZrO2, CaO, MgO or SiO. Research will also include the formation of the corresponding rafter to suitable refractory materials cohesiveness both formed and unformed and may be a oxide, oxide-non-oxide or non-oxide, or by supplying to the formation of adhesions between the components of the intergranular phase material. The concept of technology provides a variant solution to refractory materials for the chemical bonding, chemical-ceramic (basic solution) or chemical-hydraulic depending on the application.


Scope of research carried out in MAIZE and KWMC includes:

1. Refractory materials for installation of alternative fuels;
2. New thermal insulation materials for the installation of exhaust gases, heavy-resistance to corrosion;
3. Un-formed refractory materials with high chemical resistance

Laboratory users:

dr inż. Mirosław Bućko

tel. 12 617 35 72;
tel. 601-954-500
e-mail: ; 

WIMiC, Department of ceramics and refractory materials, B-4, str. Akademicka 2, I p, 13